How to Add, Record or Edit Audio or Music in PowerPoint

Do you want to set the right mood and keep your audience engaged and entertained during your next presentation? In this new Slidesgo School tutorial, you’ll learn how to add audio or music to your presentations. You’ll also find out how to edit them to your liking.

  1. Adding Audio from your Computer
  2. Recording Audio from PowerPoint
  3. Editing Audio
  4. Adding Online Audio
  5. Adding Music from YouTube
  6. Playing Several Clips in Succession During Your Presentation

Adding Audio from your Computer

  1. If you choose Insert, the audio will be directly inserted into your presentation, increasing the size of the document.
  2. If you choose Link to File, a link to the file will be created, reducing the size of the document. However, there could be issues if you use the presentation in a different computer, forcing you to link the audio file to the presentation again.

Recording Audio from PowerPoint

Editing Audio

  1. Volume: It allows you to set the volume of the clip.
  2. Start: Click the drop-down arrow to choose how you want the audio to start. If you’re using Office 2010, you’ll also find an option here to play the audio clip during the entire presentation.
  3. Loop until Stopped: Once the audio clip finishes, it starts again indefinitely until you stop it.
  4. Play Across Slides: If you enable this, the audio clip will be played during the entire presentation. If “Loop until Stopped” is enabled too, it won’t stop playing until you reach the end of the presentation.
  5. Hide During Show: Check this option if you want to hide the icon.
  6. Rewind after Playing: Check this option if you want the timer of the audio clip to go back to the beginning when it reaches the end.

Adding Online Audio

Adding Music from YouTube

Playing Several Clips in Succession During Your Presentation

To create a playlist that plays across all slides during your presentation, you need to use an audio editing software, such as Audacity or Adobe Audition, and edit the clips so that they come one after another. When you’re done, export it as a single audio file, which you can now use in your presentation.