Clinical Trial Application - Amendments (CTA-As)

CTA-A s are applications in which a sponsor proposes information to support changes to a previously authorized application [C.05.008]. Where a sponsor wishes to make changes to a CTA under review, the sponsor should withdraw the active CTA and submit a new CTA .

CTA-A s may involve changes to an authorized protocol (Clinical Amendments), changes to clinical trial drug supplies (Quality Amendments), or both.

CTA-A s must be authorized by Health Canada prior to implementation of the changes.

Note: If the sponsor is required to immediately make one or more of the amendments referred to in subsection (2) of C.05.008 because the clinical trial or the use of the drug for the purposes of the clinical trial endangers the health of a clinical trial subject or other person, the sponsor may immediately make the amendment without prior review by Health Canada. A corresponding CTA-A which provides the information required below, and which clearly identifies the change and the rationale for immediate implementation of the change must be filed within 15 days after the date of implementation of the amendment [C.05.008(4)]. This is subject to a 30 day review period.

Sponsors must file a Clinical CTA-A when the proposed changes to the protocol:

Sponsors must file a Quality CTA-A for chemistry and manufacturing changes that may affect the quality or safety of the clinical trial drug supplies. Changes include, but are not limited to:

For Pharmaceutical drugs

For Biologics and Radiopharmaceuticals

It should be noted that for Biologics and Radiopharmaceuticals, certain changes relating to the production of a given drug may be considered beyond the scope of an authorized CTA . If such changes are submitted as CTA-A s they will be subject to reclassification as a CTA ..

These changes include, but are not limited to:

How to organize your Clinical Amendment

The main components of clinical amendments include a copy of the amended Protocol, a copy of the most recently authorized protocol, a clear description of the proposed changes (i.e., original wording vs. revised wording), and a rationale for each proposed change. If the purpose of the amendment is to extend the duration of the study, a copy of the amended Investigator's Brochure or an addendum to the Investigator's Brochure must be provided [C.05.008 3b].

Health Canada encourages submission of applications in Common Technical Document ( CTD ) format. This format, as applied to a CTA-A (Clinical), is shown below. Note that the format of a CTA-A is similar to the format of a CTA .

The cover letter should indicate the file number and control number(s) of the original CTA (s).